About Tricia Parrish
I love love.
I’m deeply committed to my own healing and awakening. My journey was born out of my own suffering and desire for liberation.
At a young age I was overwhelmed with trauma and began having panic attacks when I was 7 years old. As a young adult I sought relief from my PTSD and started working with a holistic bodyworker.
I have travelled through great dis-comfort and darkness to unburden myself from my false self. I continue my quest of unveiling my true nature.
My personal journey initiated me as a healer and I share this with you.
One of my greatest joys is connecting with family and friends. I spent my recent birthday dancing around a bonfire at Muir Beach with friends. I’m proud to say my son and I hiked to the top of Half-Dome in Yosemite and enjoyed this spectacular experience together. I love engaging with magical, invisible worlds and the great Mystery of Life.

Training & Education
​Certified CranioSacral Diplomate Therapist CST-D
ADV1, ADV2, ADV3 CranioSacral Therapy
Somato-Emotional Bodywork
Pediatric CranioSacral​​
Reiki Master
Orthopedic Massage
Pre-Natal and Post-Partum
MetaMusic Sound Healing training with Laura Inserra
Vortex Healing
Acupressure for Animals
Psychic and Intuitive Counselor
BS Animal Science

Volunteer Work
Lama Tenzin, The Monk Who Stood For The Girls
Jett Psaris Workshop "When Close Isn't Close Enough"
PTSD Clinic, Integrative Intentions NM, 5 days 10-9-14
PTSD Clinic for Vets 9-11-11